More data breached in the first six months of 2017 than the whole of 2016, what has gone so wrong?
It should come as no great surprise that 2017 has been a bad year for data breaches, given that both WannaCry and Petya got things off to such a devastating start. However, the Gemalto Breach Level Index reveals that with 1.9 billion records either lost or stolen the first six months have been even worse than expected. How much worse? Well that’s more than the 1.37 records that Gemalto reported breached for the whole of 2016. 28,331,861 data records were compromised in the UK alone, half of these incidents involved a malicious outsider and 38 percent accidental loss.
SC Media asked the industry what these figures really mean in terms of both the evolving threatscape and the state of enterprise security defence right now?
What happened to ‘meaningful measurement methodologies’ then Mr Winder?
Erm, nothing. I still stand by everything in that paper. If you had read the actual paper rather than just the headline, Asif, then you would see that it says “The measurement metric dial has moved too far towards attribution and needs to be reset to prevention and a business-based analysis of risk once more.” I see nothing in my SC Media article that contradicts this statement. The measurement in the Gemalto Breach Level Index is one of actual lost/compromised data records and does not deal with attribution. That the numbers have risen significantly since last year is a useful trend, a useful metric, in making us look again at our prevention strategies and ask if there is more we should be doing…